Saturday 12 August 2017


Recently i began thinking more about what i want for myself i then thought of writing both weekly and monthly goals for myself. Some goals for me personally and some overall ones to share. On my blog i thought of sharing a new series here of my goals each month and then at the end of the month letting you guys know how i got on. 

1. Drink more water. Usually this was not an issue for me as i am a big water drinker i am always thirsty but i have began to notice changes in my skin ad well as a decrease in the amount of water i consume so i am making it my aim this month to drink more. 

2.This one is not really direct but it is to be more thankful. The reason for this is when reflecting i think we as individuals just need to take more time to appreciate what we have around us. We always looks at what we wish to have or want but do we ever look at what we have and tally that :)

3. Read more! Yes self care recently for me has gone down the drain and i will be writing a post on this. Reading for me is something that i love but have minimum time but i am this August going to make a conscious effort of reading for between 20 to 30 minutes a day. 

4. Spend more time blogging. This is not much of a big thing but for me wanting to really get started is something i am so passionate to do and now i AM going to post more regularly for both myself and you guys 

5. Last but not least as its been so neglected post more and understand more about social media accounts linked to the blog :)


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