Tuesday, 8 August 2017


YAYYYY CRAFTSSSSSS. They definitely got the kids excited and myself to get this review up sharing our lovely experience with their crafts.

Some of the items the kids got to play with are:
  • ·         Alphabet Stencils
  • ·         Easy Grip Chalks
  • ·         Rainbow Unicorn Gliders
  • ·         Flying Frogs
  • ·         Dragon Foam Stickers
  • ·         2 Black Canvases
  • ·         Neon Clay

I must say this lot of things from baker Ross kept the kids busy for a long time. Firstly, as a family birthday was approaching we used the stencils and the paint to make a happy birthday banner 😊 the kids loved it and were really proud.

The easy grip chalks were great for the little ones to experiment with however producing the actual colour on to the paper was something that the little ones found challenging. Never the less they managed to get a few drawings in after working out the just had to press on the crayons a little harder.

The rainbow gliders were the best crafts in our house and they are still playing with them today. At first, I couldn’t figure out myself how to make them but when we did the kids had a load of fun throwing them around and racing one another we even took them to the park.

The flying frogs were great fun too we flicked them around the rooms and the windows to get them stuck and the little ones found it very amusing. However as a parent I did not as much as I later found stains on the walls!!! Good thing we played with them just before we were decorating and not after 😊
The Dragon Foam Stickers we also used on our party bags they come in really handy and were great for the kids they loved them. They were easy to remove and apply.

The canvases the kids used to write their names using the stars and hung them in the bedrooms. The clay on the other hand they had great fun with using it too model lots of little things.

Overall the crafts were all quick and easy great for me as being on the go means a quick craft gets the little ones excited and have fun making them. I as a parent would definitely rate both the service and the crafts a 5/5. They are great crafts for parties, something to do before dinner, Sundays, quality time with the kids and for sure during the holidays!

Check out their website for more: http://www.bakerross.co.uk/

Disclaimer- This post is not sponsored or influenced by baker ross they are just our opinions on the crafts we had a little go trying 😊


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